Wednesday, December 8, 2010


With the passage of  time, I have realized the ultimate existence of a superpower above us that  is constantly  evolving us in some way or the other…no matter  how shaky his experiences  might turn out to be,causing painstakingly strained relations with our loved ones and piercing through our heart cannon loaded up his sleeves, but  indeed they  have a far reaching impact…an impact on our deeper selves making us more proud than ever of surviving all the hardships of life with a fortitude that is beyond human rationalities and capacities.  I have outgrown all the desire to contemplate and  battle with his conceited skills and to come alive in a more profound and magnanimous way, looking  beyond the conspicuous reality and seeking out the much obscure and  hidden path, treading along the spiky and dark bushy forests ,with all the more glory and panache. I need not succumb to an avalanche of cynical human forms and may not require to assert my beliefs before them to acknowledge the deeper me, real me. I just need to be experimental and feel the nuances of a boundless unconventional spiritual awakening within me. ‘Avant Garde’. The more I rant about my daily chores the more held up in damned conventions I’ll be. The awestruck countenance of zillions of people are staring me right in my face with a glaring contemptuous look  accusing me of challenging the mediocrity of the world and going past the conventions. Yes, I’m challenging the beliefs, the conventions, the fundamentals and whatever else you may chose to call it, but they are not yours; they are mine and only mine. I’m impassioned for hope, dreams and dynamics of life but u might just not. There will always be a huge difference between you and me, your principles and mine, your world of concrete pillars and my world of dainty dreams and breaking free from the shackles of  monotony. I have all the respect for your world and expect the same from your side. I don’t want us to think on similar lines nor for us to be judgemental about each others work of honors. All I want is a little bit of freedom to break free from the shambles of intrusion and hide in my comfy little world. I may not get along with you, but I may not intent to be antagonistic either. Lets just call it a day and seize the day. Carpe diem baby!!!


  1. Hi !! Sakshi ,

    Like the settings of ur blog and urfirst article too is a good read !!!

    Akash Gautam

  2. glad u appreciated sir..thanks!!

  3. Very Nice Sakshi.... Its AweSome...

    Keep Up The Good Work

    And Dnt Stop Here...ok...
    This Is jusT tHe StaRtiNg....

    PicTure Abhi Baakei HAi Meri Dost...

  4. Hi dear
    It's just gr8 & keepup th goodwork

  5. That superpower is nothing but a belief and it is required to be challenged upto certain limit. After that you gotta let it go.

  6. @ tarun,abhishek and chetan sir: thanks for ur appreciation guys.
    @ brijesh jiju: absolutely....cldnt agree mre(challenging certain norms of life).

  7. Impressive Read...hmmm...Keep up the good work!!

  8. Is there a reason your last name is misspelled, in your "about me" section?
