Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I ask for you....Do you ask after me?

                              I ask for your hug
                             When you are not around
                              I ask for your arm around me
                              Just to feel the mystique touch of your presence
                              I ask for your forgiveness
                              Just to let you pierce through me
                              I ask for your love
                              So that I may dive deep in your eyes
                              I ask for a wink at me
                              To see just a tinge of playfulness in your mystical eyes
                              I ask for your smile
                              So as to make my day brightest of all
                              I ask for your gentle push
                              So as to hear the butterflies grooving in my belly
                              I ask for your companionship
                              Because I love it when you gently stroke my hair
                              All this while,
                              My quixotic heart has been asking after you…
                              It has become foible with time,
                              Chasing what many may call a utopian dream
                              But can I take this chance to ask you something?
                              When I ask for you
                              Do you ask after me?


  1. This is one side of u I've never known....N It was definately a Good Read... Keep up the Good Work !!!! :-)
